The creative act lasts but a brief moment, a lightning instant of give-and-take, just long enough for you to level the camera and to trap the fleeting prey in your little box.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Photo #14, 15 and 16 2012

At first the boxes arrive empty...
Then the dismantling of the house....

And the packed boxes begin to surround us...

Our home no longer has the redolence of cookies,
but rather the scent of cardboard and tape.
We have 30 days before our move and the
packing seems to never end. We have donated,
tossed and found new homes for alot of stuff.
But it doesn't seem like it!

for more Six Word Saturdays go here:


cessie said...

Ooooh a removal! Always lots of work but so rewarding in the end! I secretly love it ;)
Wish you good luck with all the sorting and tossing and packing!
Landed on your blog through Six Word Saturdays for which I'm a first timer ;)

Anonymous said...

Blink and I miss half a dozen posts.

I don't envy you packing and know the feeling only too well.

Good Luck

Jim said...

Oh you poor soul. I surely don't like moving anymore. When I was single I'd move maybe several times a year.
Before we moved here Mrs. Jim and I lived in our first house for 23 years. Now we've been in this one twelve. The six years before we lived in three rented places and another one which was gratuitous.

Your 'to be filled' box picture sequence is perfect for "A Smap a Day."